Volunteer & Board Members
First and foremost, Crispus Attucks Park is a community park. While day to day operations are run by the Crispus Attucks Development Corporation, we are always looking for ways for our community to lend their talents and time for events, park needs, park upkeep, and more!
We have three primary volunteer opportunities available annually. One is the fall clean up day where we get together on a Saturday to plant bulbs, prune trees, lay mulch and generally get the park ready for the winter. We also do a spring version where we get the park ready for the warm season and then we always need volunteers for the Community Day, our biggest annual fundraiser that takes place in May of every year.
There are smaller opportunities occasionally, but those are the primary three. Add your name to our listserv and you will receive occasional emails about park events, quarterly board meetings open to the community, and volunteer opportunities.
Interested in volunteering? Email us at info@crispusattucksparkdc.org!
The Crispus Attucks Development Corporation maintains the park, plans events, handles park reservations, runs our marketing and outreach efforts, and much more!
Meet the Board
Helena Okolicsanyi
President, Marketing & Communications
Will Gomaa
Vice President
Tyrone Goodwyn
Benjamin Levine
Christopher Bulka
Tynesia Hand-Smith
Megan Mitchell
Michelle Carthen
Reggie Parrish
Joan Smith
Brian Wahrlich
Dan Fischer